Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I'm Going To Bed Early Tonight...

... because I was up till midnight writing a paper last night.  

That's what the plan was anyway.  Then I looked at my clock and noticed that it was already after 11.  (At one point in my life, this time of evening would have been early.  It is not anymore!)

I made a bag tonight, and learned that one should not think to oneself, "My, this has been the fastest bag I've ever made.  How nice," until one is actually done with the bag.  I learned that those pearly snaps are actually very difficult to make work on home-dec fabric with corduroy (all reinforced with interfacing).  I got it to work, but it was no short or easy task!  We'll see if I'm awake before the sun comes up tomorrow morning.

Here is the bag.  It is a donation for the booster club.  I think I will be more pleased with it in the morning.  Ha!

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