Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Our Outing and The Bag Rack

...was a success, if you ask me.  I picked up a couple funky prints I haven't seen before, and they will become a handful of wallets and a couple bags.  We hit an adorable little yarn / fabric shop, and then a massive craft warehouse--what a great way to spend a morning... and afternoon!

My husband surprised me and hung up the finished bag rack while I was out and about.  It turned out great--I am not surprised by that!

Early Morning Crafting

I had a bunch of creeped-out dreams just before I woke up this morning, so I was not excited to get up and go hang out in the dark attic alone... but I did.  I made a cute little wallet from the same fabric as the Project Night Night tote.  
This morning I'm going fabric hunting with my mother-in-law.  Can't wait!  

Monday, March 24, 2008

Project Night Night Tote Finished!

Woo-hoo!  I just finished the tote for Project Night Night.  I am SO pleased with how it turned out.  I also experimented with photographing it in different areas of our house. My favorite shot is this one, on the doorknob of the closet by the living room stairs.  (I love that this house came with all original door knobs!)  

A New Bag Rack!

I am so excited!  My dear husband has made me an absolutely stunning rack to hang my bags on.  It's made from a maple board he found in the attic, and some dowel rods.  I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw it in the basement!  I knew it would be good, because he's good at making stuff like that, but I had no idea how lovely it would be.  It'll go up tomorrow, we think.  Such a nice addition to my little workshop. 
"My little workshop" is actually in the biggest room of the house--the finished part of the attic.  It is kind of chilly up here now, but it's so nice to confine all of Seat Of My Pants to one room of the house, particularly away from curious little 2-year old hands.  It's working out nicely, except for the photography.  There's the cutting table, the sewing machine desk, a tree-type rack for bags (way too big for this space, but great for craft shows), and the guest bed, which is currently doubling as a shelf for fabric.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Hi There!

Hello!  This is my new blog.  It's actually my only blog, new today.  It's part of my grand plan to be a successful bag maker.  
Other points in my plan so far: To make something just about every day, and to take awesome pictures for my Etsy shop.  So far I'm doing pretty well with the making something just about every day, and medium well (also how I like my steaks, not that I eat a whole ton of 'em) on the photos.  
In addition to being a bag maker, I also am a wife, mommy, grad student, poet, and former English teacher.
I think that'll do it for now.  Let's see how this turns out.

Project Night Night

This evening I got started on a bag I'm making for Project Night Night.  I found out about this wonderful project through the Alchemy feature of Etsy.com, and when I read more about it here http://www.projectnightnight.org/, I was so pumped to make a bag for their silent auction in October.  I'm using a fabulous Amy Butler print with a cream colored corduroy.  I'll probably finish it tomorrow!