The short story: Shortly after I finished up being an MFA student at Ashland University, they hired me to teach a little composition. I feel extremely fortunate to have a job in my field (sort of--we do discuss poetry sometimes), though my working part-time has been a huge transition for our family (and also for my sewing schedule... and blogging schedule... and life schedule, evidently).
Why am I popping in now? Because the other day I got a convo from a fellow Etsian, Sarah, who is organizing an auction for her friend Katie, and I want to get the word out. Says Sarah:
Katie was diagnosed with lymphoma a little over a year ago. She's not letting this thing kick her and she's doing everything she can to fight back with a strength and determination that is just inspiring. Unwilling to let it change her life, Katie still travels, sees friends, works, and lives the most normal life possible under the circumstances. Rather than let it get her down, she'll take a chemo treatment and then head off to a weekend with friends if she wants to. In October we went to a party together and despite the fact that she'd taken chemo that afternoon and was in incredible pain, she was the one pulling me out onto the dance
floor. She's just not going to let cancer stop her. It's really amazing to watch. Katie's husband is a musician, and Katie is a freelance artist. Medical bills are piling up and the cost of medicine alone is overwhelming. We don't want them to have to choose between medicine and food.
So, we're stepping in to help. The basic concept of our event is to hold a huge silent auction to benefit Katie. 100% of the proceeds will go directly to her medical bills. The auction will take place online, a few weeks from now. Right now we are trying to gather donations of items for the auction itself.
Here is their website:
And here is the zippy I made for the auction. (Note the sunny day in the background. Spring is coming!)